Friday 21 September 2012


Optimisation -

Optimisartion is about getting the smallest file size possible but retaining the greatest quality of the image or video. optimising uses the "to the power of 2 rule" in which everytime you use a texture it is doubled, so if you had a 16 x 16 it would become 32 x 32 which would become 64 x 64 ect

Assesment management is all about being able to find your folders when you have created something, for example if you created a armor texture for a game you will need to be able to find it so it would be very inapropriate to name the folder Goldthing1 instead you should name it GoldCheastPlate and put it in a file directory like this Objects/Armour/Gold then it will be much easyer to find it when you come to edit it, it would also be much simpler for other people to find it.

It is also importent to back your files up on a regular basis on a server or external source incase there is a flood or the building is hit by a meteorite (unlikly but could happen) that way you will always have a copy incase somthing like this happens.

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