Friday 7 September 2012

In gaming there are many different things that need to be considerd

Print media art -

An Example of Print Media Art is Box art, and can be used to advertise the game on billboards, postersand in magazines. It is more commonaly used to promote the game. It is importent because if the art does not look good not many people would even consider about buying the game because they many think that the in game greaphics look like the art on the box.

Concept art -

Concept art is the begining sketches of everything in the game such as buildings wepons and charecters that will feature in the final game. the concept art gives the developers the chance to add, remove and even change a feature of the thing they are desining

In Game Interfaces -

It is very importent that the In game interfaces look the best that they can and work how the developers intended for example a bad interface may say that you have full health and then you charge in to a cave thinking your going to own everything and you end up getting hit once and dieing. It is also importent that it looks nice and not just at blank picture for your inventory screan or the main menu screan (Such as skyrim)
Texture Art -

Texture art is the texture of objects in game such as a table, building or person, this makes the game look how it does, for example you wouldnt play a game that didnt have any textures because it just wouldnt look right.

Pixle Art -

This is art made up of squers and nothing else, for example in the very old mario games you would play as a pixalated mario, this is the same for many other games such as sonic the hedgehog, Kirby, Pokemon and Donkey Kong.

Background Art -
this is the art that is in the background for example, Tree's. if you were in the middle of a huge forest the tree's in the foreground would need to look detailed so you felt as if you were actually there but in the background you would just have a 1 polygone tree so it would not slow down the preformence of they game whilst still making it seem realistic.

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