Optimisation -
Optimisartion is about getting the smallest file size possible but retaining the greatest quality of the image or video. optimising uses the "to the power of 2 rule" in which everytime you use a texture it is doubled, so if you had a 16 x 16 it would become 32 x 32 which would become 64 x 64 ect
Assesment management is all about being able to find your folders when you have created something, for example if you created a armor texture for a game you will need to be able to find it so it would be very inapropriate to name the folder Goldthing1 instead you should name it GoldCheastPlate and put it in a file directory like this Objects/Armour/Gold then it will be much easyer to find it when you come to edit it, it would also be much simpler for other people to find it.
It is also importent to back your files up on a regular basis on a server or external source incase there is a flood or the building is hit by a meteorite (unlikly but could happen) that way you will always have a copy incase somthing like this happens.
Computer Game Graphics
Friday, 21 September 2012
Compression and Images
Compression is when a picture is made smaller, it takes away such things as color, pixels and the image size is reduced to atempt to save memory. this makes it much faster to download an image but it does decrease the resolution so it may not look the same as it did when you viewed it on the internet, it also encodes data better so it takes up less Space on the computer.
Image capture can be done with a number of things, Such as cameras and tablets as they can capture an image and save it withought compressing it. another way of capturing an image is to use a scanner to scan it into the computer
Image capture can be done with a number of things, Such as cameras and tablets as they can capture an image and save it withought compressing it. another way of capturing an image is to use a scanner to scan it into the computer
Friday, 14 September 2012
A pixel is a small rectangle that holds color information for an image and is commonly used in 2D games Such as Super Mario. Each pixel is importent because it holds the color information to an image and withought pixels you would have no image on your TV, Laptop or Mobile Phone.
Raster graphics can be Resized but they will lose quality because as the image gets larger so must the pixels however this does not happen with vector graphics which can be enlarged and shrunk to any size, for example they can be resized so that an image fits on a small buisness card and thye image will not lose quality when it is being made to fit.
Jpegs and Png (ping) files are more commonly used in uploading pictures onto the iternet as they do not lose much quality when they are resized to fit on a screan but you can still see them clearly enough so you can view them when they are mabye half or double the size they origanally were to begin with.
An EPS file can contain any combination of text, graphics and images. Since it is actually a PostScript file, it is one of the most versatile file formats that are available. EPS-files usually contain a small preview image that is used to visualize the content of the file. This is done so that applications don’t need a PostScript interpreter to display the content of the EPS file.
Artistic Styles
This style is used to give an effect of a game being sort of like a comic book which in turn makes the entire game look more unrealistic but at the same time keeps to a very realistic storyline. A good example of a cel sheded game is The Walking Dead, this game is very similar to the popular TV show and includeds many things that the TV show has in it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58I_ZghcxPk
This style is used in many games to give the feeling of being right there in the action and to make the person playing Experience a sense of reality. This Style is Best used in Battlefield 3 as it gives you the feeling of beaing in the middle of a warzone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzpISsS6bKg
None Photorealistic
This style is used to give a non realistic effect which is commonly used to give the effect of a cartoon game for example The ledgend of zelda. This gives out an effect of being unrealistic so the player will be able to do things tyhat you probably wouldnt be able to do in a realistic game such as Heavy Rain.
This style is a very different style which is trying to be different from the rest of the styles of games
This style is used to give an effect of a game being sort of like a comic book which in turn makes the entire game look more unrealistic but at the same time keeps to a very realistic storyline. A good example of a cel sheded game is The Walking Dead, this game is very similar to the popular TV show and includeds many things that the TV show has in it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58I_ZghcxPk
This style is used in many games to give the feeling of being right there in the action and to make the person playing Experience a sense of reality. This Style is Best used in Battlefield 3 as it gives you the feeling of beaing in the middle of a warzone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzpISsS6bKg
None Photorealistic
This style is used to give a non realistic effect which is commonly used to give the effect of a cartoon game for example The ledgend of zelda. This gives out an effect of being unrealistic so the player will be able to do things tyhat you probably wouldnt be able to do in a realistic game such as Heavy Rain.
This style is a very different style which is trying to be different from the rest of the styles of games
Friday, 7 September 2012
In gaming there are many different things that need to be considerd
Print media art -
An Example of Print Media Art is Box art, and can be used to advertise the game on billboards, postersand in magazines. It is more commonaly used to promote the game. It is importent because if the art does not look good not many people would even consider about buying the game because they many think that the in game greaphics look like the art on the box. http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/news2/Dead-Space-2-Box-Art-Unveiled-3.jpg
Concept art -
Concept art is the begining sketches of everything in the game such as buildings wepons and charecters that will feature in the final game. the concept art gives the developers the chance to add, remove and even change a feature of the thing they are desining
In Game Interfaces -
It is very importent that the In game interfaces look the best that they can and work how the developers intended for example a bad interface may say that you have full health and then you charge in to a cave thinking your going to own everything and you end up getting hit once and dieing. It is also importent that it looks nice and not just at blank picture for your inventory screan or the main menu screan (Such as skyrim) http://schend.net/images/games/launchers/skyrim_menu.png
Texture Art -
Texture art is the texture of objects in game such as a table, building or person, this makes the game look how it does, for example you wouldnt play a game that didnt have any textures because it just wouldnt look right.
Pixle Art -
This is art made up of squers and nothing else, for example in the very old mario games you would play as a pixalated mario, this is the same for many other games such as sonic the hedgehog, Kirby, Pokemon and Donkey Kong.
Background Art -
this is the art that is in the background for example, Tree's. if you were in the middle of a huge forest the tree's in the foreground would need to look detailed so you felt as if you were actually there but in the background you would just have a 1 polygone tree so it would not slow down the preformence of they game whilst still making it seem realistic.
Print media art -
An Example of Print Media Art is Box art, and can be used to advertise the game on billboards, postersand in magazines. It is more commonaly used to promote the game. It is importent because if the art does not look good not many people would even consider about buying the game because they many think that the in game greaphics look like the art on the box. http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/news2/Dead-Space-2-Box-Art-Unveiled-3.jpg
Concept art -
Concept art is the begining sketches of everything in the game such as buildings wepons and charecters that will feature in the final game. the concept art gives the developers the chance to add, remove and even change a feature of the thing they are desining
In Game Interfaces -
It is very importent that the In game interfaces look the best that they can and work how the developers intended for example a bad interface may say that you have full health and then you charge in to a cave thinking your going to own everything and you end up getting hit once and dieing. It is also importent that it looks nice and not just at blank picture for your inventory screan or the main menu screan (Such as skyrim) http://schend.net/images/games/launchers/skyrim_menu.png
Texture Art -
Texture art is the texture of objects in game such as a table, building or person, this makes the game look how it does, for example you wouldnt play a game that didnt have any textures because it just wouldnt look right.
Pixle Art -
This is art made up of squers and nothing else, for example in the very old mario games you would play as a pixalated mario, this is the same for many other games such as sonic the hedgehog, Kirby, Pokemon and Donkey Kong.
Background Art -
this is the art that is in the background for example, Tree's. if you were in the middle of a huge forest the tree's in the foreground would need to look detailed so you felt as if you were actually there but in the background you would just have a 1 polygone tree so it would not slow down the preformence of they game whilst still making it seem realistic.
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